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Information for those who have booked an appointment for a tattoo


The day you get your tattoo
If you have booked a shorter session or only a small tattoo, it is the same arrangement but without a lunch break.

Kl. 10:00 - 17:30

10:00 Welcome to the studio!

There will be some waiting time while I prepare for your tattoo. When you arrive at the studio at the scheduled time, you will sit down and wait for a while while I prepare the workstation and the stencil for your tattoo. It takes about 30-40 minutes (longer if we are going to make changes to the design). What I do while you wait: * Disinfects surfaces * Put plastic on everything that needs to be protected during the tattoo * Prepare the machine * Prepare everything that I need while tattooing (needles, ink, paper, tattoo butter and so on). * Turn your design into a stencil and prepare for printing. In some cases I print the stencil here if I know the size. Sometimes I have to make changes to the design if you, the customer, want me to add or adjust something. Then it takes longer. * I offer coffee or tea while you wait!

ca 10:30-11:00 Ready to start!

You may now enter the tattoo room, and we will place your stencil. You usually get to choose between sitting or standing while I prepare your skin for the tattoo. I will wash off the area to be tattooed and a bit around. Then I shave off all the hair on that area (if it's an area with a lot of hair, feel free to shave beforehand to save time and money) and clean again before applying the stencil liquid that makes your design stay on the skin. In some cases we need to redo it a few times, sometimes it's more than one stencil and sometimes we need to print a different size so how long it takes varies. Expect anything from 10 to 40 minutes.

10:40-11:30 Lets ink

Now the inking begins, the stencil is in place. The needle is dipped in ink and the work of art we are both a part of takes shape. It is both a strange and powerful feeling to be tattooed. But it is mostly not that painful. How much it hurts is highly individual and differs from time to time. The body is clever that way. In general, it usually goes like this: The first 10-15 minutes can feel a bit sharper, but after a while it's more annoying than painful. After longer breaks (such as after a lunch break) it starts again. If it's a small tattoo, it's no worse than that. If it is a larger tattoo and we have been tattooing for a couple of hours, the skin can become sore. If I go over places I have already tattooed, it can be more painful (such as when I add highlights with white ink). The last hour is always the hardest because then you and your body start to feel tired. Here it is important that you think about bringing something with you in the way of energy (eg: protein bars, drinks, sweets, treat yourself!). No matter how comfortable you are with getting tattooed, it can be good to take care of your body while it fights the needle. Would you run a marathon without a bottle of water or something to eat? I have no idea. I don't run marathons.

12:30-13:30 Lunch

Maybe we only have been tattooing for a short while, but we both have to have lunch anyway. It is important to keep the energy up! I'm usually pretty bad at taking a whole hour for lunch but I'm trying to get better at it because if I brake so does the tattooing. There are many different options for buying lunch in Vindeln. Dahlbergs has super tasty burgers, salad and often pasta, we have pizzerias, Frasses, a Thai restaurant and Im's grill. Ica has pick salad and Thai lunch. Coop has today's lunch. You can also bring a lunch box, I have a microwave you can borrow. I eat in the staff area and sometimes we can sit and have lunch together, but my husband has an office there and often has meetings so it's not always convenient. Sometimes I need some alone time, an introverted person that I am. And it can be nice for you too to sit in peace and quiet for a while. It's a little different each day. I will ask you if you have lunch with you or if you want to leave the studio for lunch. Should you leave the studio, I will want to plastic wrap the area we are tattooing.

13:30-17:00 To be continued

Make yourself comfortable, take out a book or a series on your mobile. Scroll. Meditate. Chat for a while. Now the tattooing continues. There will be some leg stretching breaks, and if you need a break, just say so. Time can usually go by quite quickly when you're having fun. And as long as you're still with the area I'm tattooing, you can do a little whatever you feel like. Some take the opportunity to read a book or study. Others sit in on job meetings. Surprisingly many take a nap. My recommendation is to stop for a while and pause. Take a break from work, studies and obligations and think about the nice thing you are doing for yourself. I think you deserve it. Everyone deserves to pause and take care of themselves because how often do we spend an entire day doing just that?

17:00-17:30 Done for this time!

Now it's yours! Your new tattoo is done, or at least for this time. I will clean the surface and lubricate it before bandaging with plastic intended for tattoos. Before I bandage the area, I may want to take some photos of our finished artwork. If I don't take photos, it can be due to many different things; because we will continue another time, because it is very small, or something else entirely. But it's never because I'm not happy with the result. So if I don't take any photos, it's nothing to worry about. If you want help taking your own photo, just let me know and I'll sort it out. The bandage plastic you get is like an extra thin layer of skin on top of the tattoo and does not need to be taped. It should stay for about 24 hours. You will receive more information about how to take care of your tattoo from me either on paper or verbally, depending on whether it is the first time you are getting a tattoo with me. When the plastic is on and you have received the information, I will clean the workplace. Once you have paid, everything is finished and you can leave the studio with your new work of art. If you are passing by when the tattoo has healed, it is always appreciated if you come in and show me the result. Then I might ask to take some photos. And if you have already come in and shown the healed tattoo, you are welcome to visit anyway. It's always nice with a visit!


You pay for your session when you arrive at the studio.


If we were to get close to 17:30 and there is only a little bit left on your tattoo, we can agree to continue if it works for both of us.

Then the price is a discounted hourly rate of SEK 800/h.



10:00-12:30 or 13:30-16:00
If we do not finish, there is the possibility to extend the session if it is an afternoon time and I have nothing booked after your session.

Then the price is a discounted hourly rate of SEK 1,000/h.



Between 10:00-12:30 or 13:30-16:00

If you do a smaller tattoo, it is easier to estimate the time required and I will give you a fixed price at the time of booking.





*If you have booked an appointment before 4/3 2024, your price will be the same as for 2023 (there is not a huge difference).



In order for you to get the best possible results from your tattoo, it is important that you follow the after care instructions:  

  • No alcohol intake 24 hours before or after the tattoo.

  • Leave the bandage on overnight, approx. 12-24 hours

  • Wash gently and thoroughly with lukewarm water and mild, preferably perfume-free, soap. Clean the tattoo approx. 2 times per day, preferably morning and evening until the tattoo is healed (7-10 days).

  • Pat the tattoo dry with a clean towel

  • Carefully lubricate the tattoo with ointment (e.g. Bepanthen). Just a thin, thin layer. Continue to lubricate the tattoo several times a day for at least 10 days or until the tattoo is healed. The tattoo should not become dry and tight during healing.

  • Always have clean hands when washing or applying oil to your tattoo.

  • Avoid bathing, saunas and sunbathing (also applies to solariums) for the first few weeks, if you have to be in the sun hide the tattooed area.

  • Avoid poking and scratching the tattoo with dirty hands.

  • After about 3-5 days, small scabs will start to come off when you lubricate/wash your tattoo. It's normal, it's just the healing process that has started. Do not tear off the scabs!

  • In order for the tattoo to look sharp and nice for as long as possible, always wear sun protection factor when your in the sun.



Bekräfta bokning
Conditions for getting tattooed at Black Raven Gallery:

• If you want to cancel an appointment, you must contact us no later than 5 working days before the booked date. I charge a fee for all late cancellations. If a cancellation comes later than 5 working days before

booked appointment, an invoice of SEK 500 is sent to the person who booked the appointment. This is to cover a small part of the loss of income for me when a customer does not show up. This also applies to those who become ill or for other reasons are unable to come.

• To get a tattoo at Black Raven, you must be 18 years old or older

• You must not have any infectious blood or skin diseases

• You must not breastfeed or be pregnant

• You must let me know if you have a skin or blood disease that could affect the tattoo

results/healing (e.g. Psoreisis)

• You must tell me if you are on blood-thinning medication

• You must let me know if you have any allergies that could affect the tattoo's results/healing

(e.g. allergy to certain dyes/tattoo inks/latex/stencil fluid/vaseline etc.)

• You may not drink alcohol 24 hours before your tattoo appointment

• You must be aware of the risk of a tattoo. Getting a tattoo always involves a health risk then

the body's own protection in the form of skin is punctured. With me, the tattooing process is handled so you as a customer can feel safe and certain that there is a minimized risk when tattooing. When the tattoo is finished, it is up to you to follow the care instructions and protect the tattoo against, for example, infections.

• In case of illness: If you are ill, call +46(0)705217001 as soon as you can. If you don't get an answer, send a text so I can see it. Do not email on the same day - there is a risk that I will not have time to see your email about your cancellation in time!

Keep in mind that if you feel unwell, it may be more difficult to manage the pain, the healing process may also be longer as the body is already dealing with a cold. If you are very ill, the risk of infection may be higher. Therefore, it is best to wait. Call me and we'll discuss it.

• By agreeing to these terms, you also agree to the colors I use in my studio. These can be read about via the following link: Tattoo inks

To confirm your booking, read the terms and conditions below and fill in the form.
Thanks! See you at Järnvägsallén 6 in Vindeln. 

Thank you for confirming your booking

Contact information: 


Black Raven Gallery

Järnvägsallén 6 

92232 Vindeln, Västerbotten, Sweden


+46 70 521 70 01


Järnvägsallén 6

92232 Vindeln


150 m to Vindeln's travel center


Parking in front of the entrance 


Black Raven Gallery opening hours:


Open by appointment


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©2023 by Black Raven

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